Bye Timmy!!
We farewelled Timmy bright and early on Friday morning. I will miss him! Have a fabulous time Timmy!! I hope you have fun fun fun!!
He is off to tour the "beginner countries" of Europe as he calls them , viz Britain, France Germany Austria etc ,( so called as they're the countries most beginner Aussie tourists have started with as a rite of passage sometime around their 21st birthdays.), and to go to the Rugby World Cup with Chris.
We took the obligatory farewell family photos! ( In an idle moment I figured out how to do black and white)
He went with Korean Air who included a 19 hour lay over at a swanky 5 star hotel in Seoul with meals included in the price of the ticket.( backpacker budget ticket!) Tim says he obeyed the backpacker's cardinal rule of "take advantage of free stuff" to the max at the buffet breakfast.

Me and Malin think Dad looks very smart.
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