"Italy day" or Tour of Sydney - part 2
Oops.. no photos of our shopping tour with Mary and Greg to the Italian side of town..just after shots. nevertheless it was a really fun, interesting and educational day.. I loved it..and could sooo be an Italian..well a Sicilian anyway. The food is delicious and the acquiring of it such an adventure!! First stop was the butcher in Five Dock, where we got among other stuff, made on the premises Italian pork and fennel sausages, salami, bracioli and pork belly.
Next stop was the supermarket / deli at Haberfield for cheeses, olives and cold meats - this was rather wonderful ..everything sliced fresh before our eyes, ..i'm wondering if the freshness compensates for the rather long wait though...our number was 83..they were currently serving 20 something..we filled in the time well, by going up the road to the coffee and pastry shop where we had coffe ,rolls, brioche and came home with fruit flans and cannoli for dessert.
Next stop was the Norton St grocer at Leichhardt where we waited in another long deli queue for the marinated Persian feta @ $60 a kilo.......this was sooo worth it..I am a total convert and can see forays over the bridge just for the repurchase of same. ..( we ate this spread on delicious bread while Greg was cooking the pork and fennel sausages on the barbie and Mary made salads.
We kicked back with a couple of bottles of red for the evening and had a fun and relaxing time. Thank you Greg and Mary...it was a grand day out!
wow~~~~~~~~~I feel hungry!~~~~~
you cant have a part 2 without a part one!!
Ok Mr Smarty Pants :)... now fixed
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