Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I woke up this morning just before dawn at about 6.00 am and looked out the window as I lay there in bed.

What I saw was the most startling gorgeous glowing red full moon hanging large in the western sky and shining in at me. I rushed out onto the balcony with my camera and got these shots as it was setting. It only took 5 minutes from the first shot until it had gone. I was so thankful I'd woken up in time to see it -it was special!! I thought the red colour was because the sun was rising and shining on it, but Barry says no - it's because of the dust in the atmosphere! Doesn't sound nearly so romantic , does it!!lol

I was reminded how lucky I am to be living here where I can see such a magnificent sight as the moon setting behind the bush.

(Chris, in case you're wondering how I could see the setting moon from my north -east facing bedroom, it's because we're still in Tim's old room waiting for ours to be painted.)


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