It was a lovely Christmas day - lots of food and lots of loot - bit of a bonanza I think!
Of course, we missed Chris but I decided it was not a good idea to set a place for him at the table as we did
last year, as I didn't want to set a precedent and tradition, in case one year all four of the kids can't make it to Christmas lunch and Barry and I would have to sit up at the table with the feast prepared and four photographs to share it with!!! This vision had me simutlaneously laughing and crying ...twould be just tooooo sad!!!!!!!!!!

On the menu this year was a seafood platter entree, followed by glazed ham( which our baby magpie liked the smell of - it kept trying to get in the kitchen window) with cumberland sauce, barbecued chicken breast and various salads, followed ( much later) by christmas pud.

After lunch we played Chocolate Cluedo. That was very fun, but we were all too full to eat the chocolate and Tim kept winning ( maybe he was the only one not under the influence of the Pimms and free Moet!!).

Then the boys played with their new toys..can you guess what they got??????????!!

Finally, Chris, a pic of the 49 varieies of jelly bean that had you so baffled - sadly, they look so much more tempting than they taste!!
Na na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na na, BATMEGS! Hehehe.
I love that pic of the ginger biscuits and jelly beans etc. Very pretty!
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