For as long as I can remember, Barry has talked abut one day visiting the BMW factory in Munich.. personally I can think of not one more boring thing in this world, but as it is an OCCASION and he has never been to Europe, I decide it would be a great way for him to celebrate his 6oth. The kids organise to take holidays and join us...this is perfect!!!!!!!! family holiday in Munich.. I am delirious with excitement. I contact the BMW world and arrange a factory tour for the 9th April..- Barry's 60th.

We're up early.
BMW world is swish, modern, clean and polished, sculptured and sleek. We wander around the showroom and peer at/sit in our favourite cars. Barry is in 7th heaven. He's found his dream car!! He chose a red one (don't know why -it didn't look special to me!).. I chose the blue convertible

....They weren't giving out samples that day though. We go on the 2 hour factory tour -- the assembly robots are fascinating and futuristic to watch.. They conduct their own choreographed dance routine, waving slabs of pressed metal around in sequence. In spite of my misgivings, I find this part fascinating. A car a minute rolls off the factory line. We finish the tour and play on the bikes for a bit

before setting off to wander around the Englischer Garten.
The Englischer Garten is a very large , woodsy park..(think Centennial Park), right in the heart of Munich. We sort of wander aimlessly in the direction of town. It's relaxing and fun.

We find ducks and stop to play with them,

then amble on til we come across a large beer garden centred around a Chinese pagoda , on an upper level of which is a very German oompah band.

With entertainment like that, how could we not stop and wile away an hour or so. It's sort of lunchtimeish.- the beer garden is well patronised. After yesterday's breakfast, I'm wondering how the Germans manage to have this reputation for state of the art technology and state of the art efficiency. The whole country seems to spend it's waking hours drinking very large beers. I'm astounded. Anyway, we're happy to join them - after all we're on holidays!

From here, it's a walk into the Hofgarten

before heading back to the hotel. Management have left a complimentary bottle of bubbles and some chocolate for Barry...This feels good. We toast Barry's birthday, before heading out to dinner at a local restaurant recommended by the hotel.

It's another big hunk of of meat, huge pretzel , and ball of glug meal washed down with more large beers..Baz is loving this!!..and more importantly,he's loving having the kids with us to celebrate with him... Happy Birthday Baz:)

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