Friday, February 16, 2007

Brisbane- January

Aunties --been to the pub!

January saw us in Brisssie again ...Dad worked and I spent time with the rells. Susie came down from Stanthorpe and we spent 2 lovely days eating and drinking and having cups of cofffee and wandering around Southbank - which I hadn't seen since the 1970's when it was Brissie's industrial is now Brissie's answer to Darling Harbour..same sort of thing except with a more tropical laid back feel, a river instead of a harbour and a man made beach plonked in the middle ---oh and a nepalese hut which i thought was a bit weird, but i think they're fostering international relations or something. They also have big scary birds wandering around - ibises I think-apparently another similarity with Darling Harbour.

At lunch: Clinton , Ros, Susie and Chloe

Sunday Tony came and retrieved us from Cunninghams Gap ( halfway point between Brisbane and Stanthorpe- and indelibly imprinted on my brain as the place where I got attacked by leeches. It was a favourite picnic spot of my parents -we'd go there for a picnic and some good oldfashioned entertainment of bushwalking through the jungle.) Anyway, we'd been to Stanthorpe Saturday night to visit Nanna and Pa, then Susie drove us to the Gap andTony collected us and took us to their place for a barbie. -

in his own inimitable style - Tony!
master barbecuer and favourite uncle.