Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Don't like to brag

BUT...rread this!:)

"You are ranked 51 out of 3,034 tippers in the 2009 Super 14 home and away season."..

In the absence of anything else exciting, I'll continue with Day 2, of our South Australia trip back at the beginning of the month. After lunch at the local fish and chip cafe, with Ben and Heather(who are respectively 86 and 82 now and looking amazingly fit), we set off for Hahndorf.
I couldn't believe the contrast in the countryside compared with our visit last year. Last year,(see above),it had been lush and green and very English looking. This year, there has been no rain for months and we passed miles and miles of baking-in-the hot-sun hayfields. I was fascinated with the hay bales- in Queensland they are just rectangular blocks.. I loved the rolled versions:)

As we drove, the temperature rose and rose. - from 35 down at the beach to 45 up in Hahndorf!!! It stayed that way for the entire 3 days, falling only to about 35 at night.:( ( we stayed sane and cool by visiting the wine cellars and lolling about in our friend's, the Greenie's, pool. ( No photos of THAT! heheh)

We arrived in time for one of Lynn's fabulous dinners!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Tipping Prowess

Our footy season (Rugby Union) started this weekend. It's a competition between 14 teams from Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Each week, there's a footy tipping competition run by one of the local newspapers.

These are my results for week 1 - a perfect score!! and blogged because it's not likely to happen again- I really know very little about it!:)

My Super 14 Results

You are ranked 80 out of 2,815 tippers in the 2009 Super 14 home and away season.

Round 1
Score 7
Total Score 7
Site Average* 4.7
Total Site Average* 4.7

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

South Australia - Day 2

After a very hot night, we went down to the beach and played along the foreshore and under the jetty and paddled our feet a bit in a bid to cool down. It was soo pleasant and relaxing and pretty there early in the morning.

(lots of seaweed there though!!)We had a morning coffee in town and I particularly liked the advertising for the Victor Harbor Fun Run/Triathalon - Belrose Apex Fun Run was never like this!:)

South Australia - Day 1

We arrived in Adelaide soon after lunch. The extreme heat as we flew towards Adelaide caused some serious turbulence which I did not care for one bit, but we made it safe and sound! The temperature as we got off the plane was 41 degrees and edged up to 45 as we drove through Adelaide. We stopped off at Chapel Hill winery on our way to Victor for a look and a taste, but it was really too hot to even get into the spirit of a nice wine tasting! The cellar door was quite cute though, with it's old chapel stained glass windows.