Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Parking Garage

Does this bring back memories????.

We spotted this one in a unit in Dee Why when we were out house hunting.. It could possibly have come from the same St Vinnies store where I offloaded a lot of stuff and be the very same one that lived on the bottom shelf of our tv cabinet for those many long years!! It looks to be in identical condition!:). Megan and I spotted it and were all overcome with nostalgia:)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fun Day in Town

(This is me, trying to take a selfie in front of the Queen Mary. I seem to have lost the technique..how could I after ALL that practise and those o so proficient role models I had in Japan.)

This actually happened a few weeks ago now, but in the absence of anything riveting to report, I thought I had better load this up, to give you something new to look at.

Had a most entertaining day in town. Started off with a very boring and unuseful lecture @ the ASX, followed by lunch with Tim at the Establishment --oo I felt soooo cool and trendy sitting there sipping my mineral water. Btw - don't bother eating there- the food is VERY average_and involves I'm sure, the not very expert use of a microwave).

After lunch, Tim went off to work, and I walked through the Botanical Gardens( past the conservatorium ) to Wooloomooloo to see the Queen Mary berthed there. Me and a million other sightseers - though I'm not too sure why we do it - it seems to be a Sydney thing to rush and ogle a big ship the size of half of Sydney, that we'll never be able to afford to go on - and probably don't want to anyway. Still it was a beautiful walk through the gardens - and I was amazed at the bats!!

From the Queen Mary, I walked past the Art Gallery into Hyde park to visit my favourite fountain where I stumbled onto the set of a bollywood movie. That provided me with some amusement, but the course of filming was tediously slow with passers- by innocently walking into shots and the constant need to rearrange the female love interest's beautiful sari, so I got bored and wandered off - a few feet to Castlereagh St where I encountered my next piece of excitement. - but not before i took a couple of snaps of the cast.. the lead male..and lead female checking her text messages while the lacky holds an umbrella over her - is there a proper job title in the entertainment business for this bloke's job, I wonder?
and crew

Onward to Castlereagh St which was chockers with road closures and police rescue crews..apparently a piece of scaffolding was in danger of falling and the road was closed for a couple of days while they dismantled it.

It was a Most exciting day for me, with drama and novelty everywhere I turned:)

Monday, March 09, 2009

Where's Wally?

Is he in the garden?

For further Wally spotting, please see sideshow below.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

South Australia - Day 3

Still Hot!!! 45C.... AGAIN

After a leisurely breakfast on the terrace, we went for a drive along country roads til we ended up at Longview Vineyard for a tapas lunch. The views from here are idyllic and the vineyard caters very much to the wedding market. I can see why. There is an air of total relaxation and happiness about it!(This cart was screaming for a posey photo - I expect it's strategically placed there for beautiful shots of the bride and groom:)