Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I woke up this morning just before dawn at about 6.00 am and looked out the window as I lay there in bed.

What I saw was the most startling gorgeous glowing red full moon hanging large in the western sky and shining in at me. I rushed out onto the balcony with my camera and got these shots as it was setting. It only took 5 minutes from the first shot until it had gone. I was so thankful I'd woken up in time to see it -it was special!! I thought the red colour was because the sun was rising and shining on it, but Barry says no - it's because of the dust in the atmosphere! Doesn't sound nearly so romantic , does it!!lol

I was reminded how lucky I am to be living here where I can see such a magnificent sight as the moon setting behind the bush.

(Chris, in case you're wondering how I could see the setting moon from my north -east facing bedroom, it's because we're still in Tim's old room waiting for ours to be painted.)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Me as a Simpson!!!!!!!!

lol. go here

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Check out my new pet in the sidebar!!!!!!!!!

If you like her, please feed her by pressing "more".

Thank you!!!!!

Bye Timmy!!

We farewelled Timmy bright and early on Friday morning. I will miss him! Have a fabulous time Timmy!! I hope you have fun fun fun!!
He is off to tour the "beginner countries" of Europe as he calls them , viz Britain, France Germany Austria etc ,( so called as they're the countries most beginner Aussie tourists have started with as a rite of passage sometime around their 21st birthdays.), and to go to the Rugby World Cup with Chris.

We took the obligatory farewell family photos! ( In an idle moment I figured out how to do black and white)

He went with Korean Air who included a 19 hour lay over at a swanky 5 star hotel in Seoul with meals included in the price of the ticket.( backpacker budget ticket!) Tim says he obeyed the backpacker's cardinal rule of "take advantage of free stuff" to the max at the buffet breakfast.

Friday, August 24, 2007


Tim saw me bearing down on this enormous spider living in our garden, with a can of insect spray and informed me that it is his pet and it's name is Frank and it's life is sacrosanct. Apparently it has a girlfriend lurking about somewhere called Charlotte. O well, as long as it stays in the garden where it belongs, it's safe I guess. - I'm a bit worried about the girlfriend though - I don't really want them having babies - imagine 100's of this guy hanging about! Urgh!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Anuzzer Packeege est arrive!!!!!!!!!

Another package has arrived from France!!! Whoohoo.!! The DHL courier bloke was so proud as he delivered it with the words "I've got a package for Tim - it's his Rugby World Cup tickets." It was rather cute...he was so proud to be delivering such an exciting package but also very wistful!! I tried to console him by telling him that I too would be watching it on the tele.

Apparently according to Tim (it's all a bit complicated for me) if we lose to Wales in our pool match, then you'll neeed to swap thses tickets with an Englishman or a S. African for the next day's semi final 2 or if we lose the QF then you'll have to go watch the Poms v NZ or sell them to a Kiwi or something????. Sounds a bit chancy. Are we confident that we'll see the Wallabies in this semi???? hmmm..just found this on smh

""Playing Wales in Wales, we've already seen how difficult it is in the end-of-season tours. It's a huge advantage. Cardiff Arms [Millennium Stadium] with 80,000 people … it's massive. Anyone who goes there will have a tight game." ( John Connolly)

OOH excitement building!!