Freak Weather & Looking After Andy
SNOW!!!!:) Davo!!!
Well not really. We had an unusually cold day yesterday (4 degrees or something) and an afternoon hailstorm brought soft hailstones, which unlike summer hail, didn't melt and lay on the ground loooking like snow!! very exciting.
Shortly afterwards, Dad and I went to say hi to Andy and coincidentally met Megan who had had the same idea. Dad took these photos while we were fixing him up. Megs reckons Andy would so be going "stop fussing - I'm alright as I am!" She's probably right.. poor guy he's stuck with the fussing and the "girl flowers"

Don't worry Chris..we're looking after him for you, and i do try to take "boy flowers"(Dan's words and very apt), but I struggle with the concept a bit! If anyone haas suggestions for "boy flowers" please pass them on via the comments. ta