(This is me, trying to take a selfie in front of the Queen Mary. I seem to have lost the technique..how could I after ALL that practise and those o so proficient role models I had in Japan.)
This actually happened a few weeks ago now, but in the absence of anything riveting to report, I thought I had better load this up, to give you something new to look at.
Had a most entertaining day in town. Started off with a very boring and unuseful lecture @ the ASX, followed by lunch with Tim at the Establishment --oo I felt soooo cool and trendy sitting there sipping my mineral water. Btw - don't bother eating there- the food is VERY average_and involves I'm sure, the not very expert use of a microwave).

After lunch, Tim went off to work, and I walked through the Botanical Gardens( past the conservatorium )

to Wooloomooloo to see the Queen Mary

berthed there. Me and a million other sightseers - though I'm not too sure why we do it - it seems to be a Sydney thing to rush and ogle a big ship the size of half of Sydney, that we'll never be able to afford to go on - and probably don't want to anyway. Still it was a beautiful walk through the gardens - and I was amazed at the bats!!

From the Queen Mary, I walked past the Art Gallery

into Hyde park to visit my favourite fountain

where I stumbled onto the set of a bollywood movie. That provided me with some amusement, but the course of filming was tediously slow with passers- by innocently walking into shots and the constant need to rearrange the female love interest's beautiful sari, so I got bored and wandered off - a few feet to Castlereagh St where I encountered my next piece of excitement. - but not before i took a couple of snaps of the cast.. the lead male

..and lead female checking her text messages while the lacky holds an umbrella over her - is there a proper job title in the entertainment business for this bloke's job, I wonder?

and crew

Onward to Castlereagh St which was chockers with road closures and police rescue crews..apparently a piece of scaffolding was in danger of falling and the road was closed for a couple of days while they dismantled it.

It was a Most exciting day for me, with drama and novelty everywhere I turned:)