Light bulb changing technique
This post could alternatively be titled "How many Wl's does it take to change a light bulb??? Three...One to change the light bulb and two to turn it into full scale videoed musical production .
After 23 years, Barry got sick of leaning precariously over the balcony and catching the innards of the light fitting with his umbrella hook. ...Oooooo yes, that WAS a fabulous technique, but apparently outmoded and regarded as somewhat dangerous now, in this era of OH&S regulations and all.
In his ingeniousness, he has come up with a new technique which provided Megs and I with Sunday afternoon entertainment and hilarity:). (Click play)
After 23 years, Barry got sick of leaning precariously over the balcony and catching the innards of the light fitting with his umbrella hook. ...Oooooo yes, that WAS a fabulous technique, but apparently outmoded and regarded as somewhat dangerous now, in this era of OH&S regulations and all.
In his ingeniousness, he has come up with a new technique which provided Megs and I with Sunday afternoon entertainment and hilarity:). (Click play)