Tuesday, October 24, 2006

DAVIDSON 22/10/2006

We have a bird's nest in the elm tree right outside my bedroom window. I am very excited by this (and also by the fact that the jacaranda tree is going to flower this year - will post pics when it happens, I think in about a week).

You can kind of see the mother/father bird guarding the nest here. They're noisy miners ..these are the good native sort as opposed to the indian miners that used to plague us when we had the guinea pigs. The mother and father are very diligent and tireless in keeping up the constant feeding. I feel like a proud grandmother!

Saturday, October 07, 2006


The salt mines were kind of interesting because previously it had not occurred to me that salt was actually mined ( in spite of the saying and the seven dwarves.) I guess I thought it came from the sea or something...never mind...

Warning to all claustrophobics..don't bother visiting.. the lift down into the mine (red cage as shown in photo) is tiny - built for 5 but takes 10, very very old and rickety and very very dark. It didn't help that our visit was a mere couple of weeks after the Beaconsfield mine drama in Tassie which no doubt heightened our feelings of trepidation.

Some stuff made from carved salt...the chandelier is pretty amazing.