Grandma and Poppy came over from Adelaide to celebrate their diamond wedding anniversary with their nearest and dearest. This fabulous looking lot ( minus Chris and Andrew) is what you get for 60 years of wedded bliss. ~~~~~~~~~
We had a really lovely week, eating drinking and discovering family history..boys you ARE entitled to wear
Welsh rugby jerseys afer all, - you are 1/8 th welsh..your great grandmother was a welsh lady...name of Jones..you're most definitely probably related to Tom,
Aled or Alan. Naomi and Hannah win the prize for the most exotic though, being 1/8th Welsh, 1/8th Scottish 1/2 Indian and the rest true blue.
We went to Buddha Belly for the celebratory lunch..The highlight came at the end of the meal with the cake and the giving of mail....cards came from: Chris, Chris's mate the g-g, the prime minister and the queen. The family also humbly delivered home made offerings, but these didn't cut the mustard in such exalted company.

I am really really taken with this idea of including a photograph of oneself with each and every greeting one sends. I think
I'll do this from now on. I notice Phil and Liz are having their own diamond wedding anniversary this year and I'm sure they'd be thrilled with a photo of me to celebrate the occasion.

Poppy is a total legend..i'm in awe after watching him whizz through the smh crossword in 15 minutes...I wondered if he was cheating and just filling in the boxes ( heheh)..the man's a goddamn genius at 84 years of age

as I said, the cards were a HUGE hit!!!!!