Monday, September 28, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Dad Buys a Hat
We visited the historic towns of Evandale and Ross. Evandale has a cute statue of a pennyfarthing, and a store selling leathergoods....Dad bought a hat... He wore it 24/7 for the rest of the holiday....
As we drove around historic, sleepy Tasmania visiting beutiful old churches, stately historic homes and bridges built by convicts in the early 1800's I felt as if I had stepped back in time, and was being chauffered around by the hired help:)
Tassie Wineries
We did a mini tour and tasting at a couple of wineries...most notably Janz and Bay of Fires. Bottles of the sparkling fizzy stuff were shipped home and we are all prepared now for a celebration...hopefully Timmy's graduation and of course, Chris's homecoming in the near future:)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Cradle Mountain - Day 3
Day 3..another day in paradise:)..... more bushwalking,
lots of rushing water everywhere and lots of wildlife.
The highlight was watching a platypus at play at dusk in the lake in front of our cabin. We could see him from the cabin window:( Amazing!!
The day finished with THE BEST meal I've had in many a long day:)... wild clover lamb with thyme and orange jus...bravo chef!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Cradle Mountain - Day 2 - SNOW!!!!
We woke on Day 2 to snow on the exciting!!:).
We set off early on our 10 km bushwalk around Dove Lake, below Cradle mountain..
After all that snow and physical exertion, we retreated to the log fires and wine tastings in the lodge.-- a perfect end to a wonderful day.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Cradle Mountain
We went our separate ways after brekky - Megs Tim and Malin, to Launceston, and Barry and I to Cradle Mountain, via Stanley. The weather was hideous and so windy in Stanley I could scarcely stand, so after a very short windblown adventure to photograph the lighthouse,
we continued on past the gorgeous green rolling paddocks full of sheep and spring cute.
until the terrain changed and we started climbing past pine forests until we arrived at the wilderness area at Cradle Mountain.
The weather was cold -very, but the air bracing, fresh, clean and crisp and felt wonderful..and afforded me the chance to at last break out the North Face:)which I had been dying to have an opportunity to wear!!
I was particularly alarmed as we checked in, to hear there was no tv /dvd/in our room and that there was no Optus phone coverage..I nearly panicked..whatever would we do for 3 days!!,

I neeedn't have worried... I certainly didn't miss it for a much to do

The lodge, from our cabin window..just on dusk..and later...
The weather was cold -very, but the air bracing, fresh, clean and crisp and felt wonderful..and afforded me the chance to at last break out the North Face:)which I had been dying to have an opportunity to wear!!
I was particularly alarmed as we checked in, to hear there was no tv /dvd/in our room and that there was no Optus phone coverage..I nearly panicked..whatever would we do for 3 days!!,
I neeedn't have worried... I certainly didn't miss it for a much to do
The lodge, from our cabin window..just on dusk..and later...
Friday, September 04, 2009
The Wedding
Naomi and Matthew were married in Burnie Baptist Church, @ 1.00pm on 15th August.
The ceremony was beautiful, ..tears were shed..The congregation sang up beutifully with gusto ( always a nice thing), the vows were exchanged with meaning and then we all supped on a lavish High Tea. ( some who shall remain nameless supped more than others:)