Le Fils à Jo
What an exciting day I had!!! My ultimate destination - the Verona @ Paddington, to see Le Fils à Jo as my second offering in the French Film Festival (fff)., but on the way I encountered a few adventures..

First off was a squiz at a film crew who were taking shots of some sailors from HMAS Sydney on the steps of the war memorial in Hyde Park. I was interested in the fake sad-looking poppies he was shooting through. Bet they come up a treat as glorious bright alive-looking poppies in the foreground in the finished product.
Next I popped into the Australian Museum to see the Nat Geo Wildlife Photography Exhibition. My fav was a photo of a fox in the forest taken by a German photographer Klaus Echle( German artists/photographers seem to be the flavour of the month with me atm). He described how he visited the forest for 6 months to build up a rapport with the fox before he photographed it ( Hello, Little Prince)
. I love the light in this photo and the perspective from below and the fact he must have used a wide angle lens here, so he must be very close to the fox - a beautiful photo. There were many many spectacular pics, most notably from some very young talented photographers, but this one spoke to my heart:-)
Next I had a very quick squiz at the dinosaur exhibit, before continuing on my way up Oxford Street to the Verona.

The objective of the day was to see Le fils à Jo. Jo's son plays rugby ( hello, they made this movie for me!!) Unfortunately he's not so great on the rugby field much to the disappointment of his father ( an ex rugby star). There's a sub plot similar to The Castle( big corporation tries to take over rugby field), and a bit of a love interest. There's plenty of backslapping and rugby camaraderie and feuding on the part of the dad and his ex team mate. There's quirkiness and humour and friendship and love.. I and the other 2 patrons thoroughly enjoyed it!
Then it was a pop in next door to Berkelouw books where I had a lovely time browsing , drinking coffee and exploring the upstairs 2nd hand section
Then back down Oxford Street,( feeling O so cosmopolitan and sophisticated adventurer of the world ( yes delusional, I know) where I came across bookshare -
a bookcase set on the footpath where people can leave/take any books they'd like to share.. What A Fabulous idea - book recycling. I found a copy of Open ( Andre Agassi's autobiography.). I was ecstatic - had been meaning to read it for a while.
Staggered on downOxford St in the pouring rain and so to home - it had been an exhilarating, grand day out!!
First off was a squiz at a film crew who were taking shots of some sailors from HMAS Sydney on the steps of the war memorial in Hyde Park. I was interested in the fake sad-looking poppies he was shooting through. Bet they come up a treat as glorious bright alive-looking poppies in the foreground in the finished product.
Next I popped into the Australian Museum to see the Nat Geo Wildlife Photography Exhibition. My fav was a photo of a fox in the forest taken by a German photographer Klaus Echle( German artists/photographers seem to be the flavour of the month with me atm). He described how he visited the forest for 6 months to build up a rapport with the fox before he photographed it ( Hello, Little Prince)
Next I had a very quick squiz at the dinosaur exhibit, before continuing on my way up Oxford Street to the Verona.
The objective of the day was to see Le fils à Jo. Jo's son plays rugby ( hello, they made this movie for me!!) Unfortunately he's not so great on the rugby field much to the disappointment of his father ( an ex rugby star). There's a sub plot similar to The Castle( big corporation tries to take over rugby field), and a bit of a love interest. There's plenty of backslapping and rugby camaraderie and feuding on the part of the dad and his ex team mate. There's quirkiness and humour and friendship and love.. I and the other 2 patrons thoroughly enjoyed it!
Then it was a pop in next door to Berkelouw books where I had a lovely time browsing , drinking coffee and exploring the upstairs 2nd hand section
Then back down Oxford Street,( feeling O so cosmopolitan and sophisticated adventurer of the world ( yes delusional, I know) where I came across bookshare -
a bookcase set on the footpath where people can leave/take any books they'd like to share.. What A Fabulous idea - book recycling. I found a copy of Open ( Andre Agassi's autobiography.). I was ecstatic - had been meaning to read it for a while.
Staggered on downOxford St in the pouring rain and so to home - it had been an exhilarating, grand day out!!